Monday, May 5, 2008

Band names 4u

If you are like me, you like to come up with great names for bands, then maybe later if
you are not totally bored with the project, you will think about what sort of music the before named band would or could make, then you forget about it until later. So in that spirit I present, Band Names for you.

10. The 3 button
9. eject switch
8. lick the stamp
7. free taco
6. touch bingo
5. glass shark
4. paper toilet
3. spellevator handrails
4. trip fire and the galaxy lounge rangers
3. ribs for bbq pleasure
2. gringo gardens
1. melody gas
0. transorbital illusion
-1. hell onion
-2. fellaz with hats
-3. nergatroidz
-4. guilt cathedral
-5. jellotrigger
-6. dance trolly
-7. fartknocker
-8. MC Quikdick
-9. Mark the tard
~. treble-terrible

1 comment:

KT said...

Mark the Tard!!!!!